Tag Archives: Pot Pie

Mini Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

3 Sep

On pintrest I found a recipe for mini chicken pot pies using bisquick. YUMMY and quick and easy! So here we go….


Rotisserie Chicken from a super market..makes it quicker




Mixed Froxen Veggies


Nail polish optional 😉 I probably should have moved that before the photo!


Heat chicken and veggies in a skillet until heated through, then add gravy and heat.

Next mix bisquick, eggs and milk until you get a runny yet thick consistency, then pour into muffin cups, I used large cups so we could eat one and be full….well I could at least!


Dont be unimpressed because the picture was blurry, I was performing an action and taking a photo, since I am a bad multitasker I am IMPRESSED!

Next fill the cups with the chicken mix, then cover with more bisquick, this photo below is before adding the bisquick covering.

Bake at 350* for 20-30 minutes. Or until whenever the bisquick rises a bit and turns golden brown.


The gravy runs out but there is still some in there and it keeps the muffins moist. Delicious!

I could not rotate the pictures on this post for some reason. It kept saying error so I decided to get the post out there so you can enjoy these little treats! They will be great for fall!!

Even the littlest family members enjoy it!

FINNY LOVED IT!!!! Please note the mess of dog food on his mat, he is a messy little boy but we love him 🙂

What are some of your fall favorite recipes?!?!?!