Running Q&A: My personal story

25 Jan

I read a couple running blogs religiously. One is Skinny Runner, she is hillarious and awesome. So check her out, her most recent post was a running tag. I was not tagged but decided reders of FRF might be interested in some of my answers to these questions. Also if you want to tell me anything about yourself feel free to leave your answers in the comments or post your own, but please share with me! 🙂

1. How long have you been running?

I started running track in middle school and really liked it, but pursued other sports through Highschool and College. Which eventually led to rugby…lots of running. When I retired from that I decided to run competitvely and so FOOD RUN FUN was born.

2. Why did you start running?

Two reasons:

1.) I missed it a lot and the fact that you can really process a lot of things going on in your life while running. It really is the best therapy!

2.) I love to eat! And it is usually Cheese and Sugars!!!!


To see more food, you can follow me on instagram zandralexia is my username.

3. What is the furthest distance you have ever ran?

13.1 miles in my first half – September 2012….

4. What is your best running memory?

I have a couple. Running my first half and crossing that finish line after working so hard to train and do my first in under a year. Any race I have run with Dan, because he really is my best motivator and best running buddy in the world!

5. What shoes do you run in?

Saucony Kinvaras are one of my Favorite as you know, but my new favorite is surely the Mizuno Wave Rider 16’s that Mizuno sent me. They are awesome and I really want them in more colors!


Click the photo so go to the review for these bad boys!

6. What are your favorite and least favorite distances to run or race?

My favorite is a half marathon. My least favorite is probably the 6.66 mile race I did and it had nothing to do with the distance it was more so the experience. I am not  fast runner so I have no preferance I just go with the flow, at all distances.

7. What is your favorite place to run?

Some where beautiful, I really loved the Surftown Half because of the view!

8. What is your favorite running accessory?

Well Dan because he is cute and fun to look at, my Garmin and my sparkly Hello Kitty Headphones.

9. Do you like outdoor or indoor running?

I like both! I love outdoors when its nice out, but I also LOVE my treadmill because I can space out and listen to music, watch shows, etc and not fear being hit by a car.

10. What is your favorite time of the day to run?

Outdoor: late afternoon/dusk. In the summer this is the most amazing time to run. It is warm but not blazing hot and you can still enjoy the sun.

Treadmill: Early Morning/After work. Sometimes I love to get it done and over with and other times I want to enjoy the run before I eat something Evil but totally delicious.

BONUS: all workouts with Jeff I prefer at 6am! Due to wanting to get it over with, but then feeling great all day after.

11. What races have you ran?

Quite a few you can visit them all here! 2013 was also going to include my first Full Marathon, but Baby K is more important so it will have to wait for 2014!  

12. What music do you listen to when running?

I only listen to music while racing, I dont feel safe on the road doing it and the treadmill is Ipad time. But it can range from Rap- Christina Aguilera-Justin Bieber. All I need is a good beat to keep my feet pumping on the road.

13. What are some other exercises you love?

I enjoy pushups, don’t get me wrong I hate them with a passion while doing them but they do make you stronger and like running they show you progression of strength. I enjoy any training in which you can see your progression over time, it means you are achieving goals!

14. Are you currently training for something?

I am always training even if I dont have anything coming up because I like it, but yes the Disney Princess Half is in 30 days!

15. What are your current or future goals?

Current: Just finish the half. Keep my feet going and be proud of myself.

Future: After the Baby I plan on getting a sub 2:30 half, running a full and a sub 30 min 5k….it WILL HAPPEN!

16. Advice for new runners?

Run YOUR race at YOUR pace. TRAIN it is important, those crappy runs are just as good as the good ones and make you better. Run because you enjoy it, if you see it as a chore you will not stick with it. HAVE FUN! Be the best runner YOU can be! If you can run a mile in 20 minutes today, hey you ran a mile most people don’t and like I said running shows progression so where you are today is not where you will be down the road, stick with it and you will see big things happen an a change in yourself!

19. Why did you startyour blog?

In all honesty I started my blog to keep me accountable for running, but I saw that the people who I look up to as running bloggers shared personal stories on them, and it made them less superhuman. Sure they run Marathons at an 8 min.mile pace and that will probably never be me. But they inspired me to be better and I would like to do the same. Inspiring one single person to do something healthy (ier), is all the satisfaction I need to keep driving me each day!

Let me hear from you!!!!! I want to know your answers to some of these questions!

3 Responses to “Running Q&A: My personal story”

  1. Tamarra January 26, 2013 at 4:39 pm #

    Thanks for sharing Alex. I was in track in high school but refused to run. I was a high jumper and thought at the time that was good enough. In looking back now I should have run! Anyway, today I am running because my niece Alex has inspired me to do so and honestly it feels great. For someone who never ever, ever, ever thought that they would be a runner I am loving it and will be in my 2nd 5K in May. Thanks Alex!

    • Alex K January 26, 2013 at 10:10 pm #

      Thank you Tamarra for joining me in my running journey and I’m glad you are enjoying it. Keep up the good work with the 5ks.


  1. Proof that I married my Soulmate…. « Food.Run.Fun. - January 28, 2013

    […] cream are bad foods, but I have a date with the treadmill tomorrow, so we are good.  Also see this post in which I explained reason why I run….brownies were in […]

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