Tag Archives: Pizza

Blizzard of 2013….

8 Feb

Today starts the Blizzard of 2013 in our area…..really hoping for two things:

1. To not lose power and get snowed in at our house, not have to drive to my parents in a blizzard!

2. To feel better. I woke up with a crazy cold and stomach bug at 6:30 am today and am not loving it!

Here in Connecticut our Governor has shut down state roads at noon and most everything is closed, so if you are a fellow Connecticuter like I am (yes I searched that on the internet, because I refuse to call us nutmegers) have fun being snowed in and spending time with your loved ones!

Yesterday’s workout ended up being 4.25 miles in around 55 minutes. I say around because I only took a picture of my first run. I ran in segments yesterday  1.25 miles in the morning because I was running late. Then 3 miles in the afternoon. I should have known I was getting sick in the 3 mile run when I started to sweat heavily and get a little dizzy! 

I wore these cuties because compression socks are now 100 percent needed in every run. Thanks pregnancy leg cramps. I love pro compression socks, they are pretty and get the job done.


I think it goes without saying that I am taking today off from running though.

Last night I prepped some food for Dan, Ricky and I. Dan’s friend Ricky is looking for a new place so he is staying with us for a little while.

It is a good thing I am laid off because he is staying in the basement, yes that is where my beloved treadmill is, so I run when he is at work.

I made chicken minestrone soup and this….

Alex’s Knife and Fork Taco Pizza.


1 Trader Joe’s Garlic and Herb Pizza Dough

1 lb Ground Chicken cooked and seasoned with Taco seasoning

As much Trader Joes Fat Free Pizza Sauce as you like

Mix of Mexican and Mozzarella Cheeses


Roll out dough however you like, spread sauce and cheese an cover with chicken. Bake to directions on dough.

Here is what is looked like before going into the oven. I would have added olives too but Dan doesnt like those.


And here is what it looked like when I ate a piece for dinner, and why I call it knife and fork pizza.

IMG_3372I added lettuce, cheese and taco sauce, I think I am onto the new best way to eat tacos!

Now we are all ready to get snowed in. I hope everyone enjoys their day and I will have a new post tonight. Including food I didnt post earlier this week and a snow update!

Today I am thankful for:

28 Jan

TODAYS WORKOUT: workout with Jeff…running day off. .25 treadmill warmup. Then 1 hour of circuit training. 

Today I had a lot to reflect on and be thankful for. It was so cold today and snowing, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a great day!

Wake Up at 5am got ready for my workout in which I was thankful for:

-Heated seats and steering wheel on the way there.


5:50am and 21* thanking my car for its features!!!

While working out I was thankful

-Jeff keeps things fun, I wore a bright orange shirt, and he was of course cracking jokes about not seeing me.

-Him giving me the option or lunges or kettlebell squats. After my 6 mile run, squatting with a 12 lb weight seemed awful. Lunges for once made my day!

At Work today I was thankful for:

-Our new phones that ring like we are on the show 24, my job just became that much more important.

-Mom and Dad’s friend came in and bought us pizza for lunch!


I was so excited to eat cheeseburger pizza I may have taken a bit before the picture was taken whoops!!!

– A good customer and family friend came in today and when I was leaving cleaned the snow off the car for me. I had to keep myself occupied so I built a little snowman on our general managers car….


When I got home I was thankful for:

-Our house being so beautiful in the snow.


-Finding Honeymoon pictures that remind you of being warm and in Jamaica!


-And finally: My little Family….they really love each other.


Talk to you all tomorrow I am going to eat some tomato soup and get ready for some Scentsy work!

Treat Yourself Thursday….

25 Oct

Today is one of my favorite days of the week! I really love Thursdays I always have, maybe because when we were younger Harry and I had dinner with our grandparents every Thursday night! Those dinners are still one of my favorite memories!

Anyway how did I treat myself you ask????

Well first we have to go back to yesterday. Yesterday was my first day back training with Jeff since my bronchitis! It was hard and I had another issue holding me back. My entire right leg in the quad to the IT band region has stiffened up and it sore! So we foam rolled before and after but I am still feeling it there and in my lower back which is now sore. Add to all of this the fact that Dan jumped into the bathroom and ripped back the shower curtain to scare me this morning, resulting in even more of a back tweak and we have an even more deserved treat yourself day!

Tonight I had to go to a Scentsy Brand event for Velata at the Oakdale theatre which is an hour away from my house. With loading my car and everything my back is hurting. AND I WAS HUNGRY!

I will recap that event tomorrow as I just got home, but they had food for sale there. A tiny shot glass of soup, a turkey wrap that looked horrible and this wonderful thing that was a nice treat for me…

French bread pizza, a cookie which I didnt have to buy, and some water. Dont worry I didnt eat my change. The pizza was a really yummy treat.

When I got home I treated myself again to a delicious snack…

These are the greatest popsicles known to man you will never convince me otherwise! The red is of  course the best but I had an orange tonight.

Finally Dan and I are both off tomorrow so we are watching some Netflix. One of our favorite shows is Rules of Engagement but we have never seen the earlier episodes. I loved that the pilot began with this quote.

Enjoy Dan’s refelction in the TV playing on my IPad.

Goodnight friends I will update twice tomorrow!

Defying your own expectations!

21 Aug

So after yesterday’s run I was tired and disappointed in myself for not running over three miles. After a little bit of a rest I decided to try out the treadmill again and see if the problem with my shins and calfs would persist and it did not! So I went 2.20 miles in 25 minutes! So proud of myself after that because I was able to do 5.58 miles in One hour and four minutes! AMAZING!!!!

This was a huge turning point for me! I always talk about not sabotaging myself and yet I do, but not today :). I also took my own advice and went back to a very important lesson I learned when I first started running.

Running is a mental battle, you have to push through what your mind tells you is your limitations and keep going. If you can do that you can yield some amazing results!

I have a renewed confidence in myself and my abilities and am so happy that I can see myself in a positive light. Especially running wise. Everyone is hard on themselves and when you can be proud of yourself that is always a huge plus for accomplishing goals and being all around happier!

After the run I treated myself to some left over pizza and some chocolate almond milk. Sounds gross but I drank the milk after the pizza not with it that would be gross!!

This is a pizza a local restaurant makes with tomato and hot sauce, crispy chicken, jalapenos and onions. I love it and I HATE onions, but they make it!

Mom had bought it for us when we went to her house Saturday night before she left for her trip. I guess I was missing her last night, so I needed to have it for dinner. 😉


Have you done anything lately that has impressed you?

New sneakers and refueling with pizza!!!

12 Aug

Yesterday I did my usual Saturday routine, and worked until  3 pm. I also ate A LOT of skittles, so I figured it was time for a run when I got home. Thats the funny thing about being tired after work, you dont feel like doing much of anything. So I was a tired cranky pants because I hadnt run that day. Then I realized I had new shoes!!!! It was the revelation of a lifetime and I was so excited to try them out!

Saucony Kinvara Progrid 3’s!!!! I needed to replace my old purple ones, they will be retired from running and solely used for training now as they are starting to hurt my hip and knees!

To get in the spirit for running, I coordinated my outfit.

Purple shorts, tank and shoes…ideal outfit. The shorts are the new Victorias Secret Pink Campus shorts! I have two pairs and LOVE them!!!! SO comfortable and great for running! The tank is from costco!

I was playing my Zombies run app while on the treadmill and ended up going…….

Pretty happy with that run, it was hard but not unachievable and thus lets me know I am on track for my half! The biggest bonus was that at the end of the run there were no blisters! It was amazing!!!

After the run I shower and we got ready and had dinner with friends. Dan went on a very long bike ride before dinner which explains the amount of food he got last night!

Sorry for the weird camera angle, I was trying to sneak attack a picture. I also had to sneak attack one of those fried raviolis to test you know to make sure they weren’t poisoned and safe fore Dan to eat ;).

For my dinner I had a personal Tuscan pizza and ate all but one piece which I gave to Dan. It was so yummy!

It was a nice little Saturday with friends!

Today we worked and now are home relaxing. It was a nice weekend together.


What did you do this weekend?

What is your favorite most recent purchase?

Mine is my sneakers for SURE!