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Christmas 2012 part 2

1 Jan

This post is easier to write now that the news is out! Since I don’t have to think of a clever way to explain this…


Dan and I  picked up Grandma, who already knew the deal with the baby and the sick feeling. I am so lucky that I have the coolest Grandma who keeps a stock of White Cheddar Cheese its! Yum, and the perfect way to keep my tummy in check on the way to my cousins house for dinner.

The night started at 6:30pm when we made the drive to my cousins house. We had lasagna which was so good and had grab bag gifts for each other. I got a cool computer cleaner from my Grandma that I will have to post, I thought I had a picture…guess not!

We also hung out with my cousins dogs Braxton and Barney. They are cute and beagles like Mom and Dad’s dog Zoe.


Here is an action shot of Braxton ripping that toys arms off. She had a good night 🙂

Here is Barney smiling for the picture.


After we left their house we went to Mom and Dads for another family party which was very fun. We arrived there around 9:30 or 10:00 pm and left at around 2:15 am. I have no pictures of this since I was busy talking then napping for the last event of the night.

We then went to my Grandma’s to open gifts, yes at 2:15 am we went and opened presents. We all had matching PJ pants (my idea of course) but I forgot to get a picture of that. However I think this might make up for that!


My brother is really stylish I know you are jealous of that sweet outfit!

And finally the last picture of the night, one of my favorite gifts from the night and it was from Harry.


Oh there are my Pjs!

The boys had the ones you can see Harry wearing above and the girls had these that I am wearing, or the red plaid my aunt Kim has. They are all from Harley-Davidson.  I think we are looking pretty good for almost 3 am at this point.

Those shoes are so comfy and cool! I am glad to have got them from Harry and his gf Sabra. Thanks again guys :). In case you were wondering Dan and I gave Harry apple tv.

We got home around 3:30 am and my sore throat had begun. It was gone the next morning so I thought it was because I was up too late, boy was I wrong!

TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 3 the final Christmas Post.

We have an announcement!!!!

1 Jan

So if you are facebook friends with me you know what the announcement is! But if not you don’t….

Here is what we have to tell you in the same way we told our families!!


In case you were wondering, those are Dan’s cycling shoes, my running sneakers and soon to be Baby K’s running shoes…because you know they are going to run 🙂

So what does this mean for the blog, well I am still eating, still having fun and yes I am still running. In fact I have two half marathons in February and March. Then I will go down to 5k’s. I had planned to run a full marathon in May and another half in August but those will be put on hold until 2014! So it is still the same great blog now with baby things added in. I hope people will give me advice and am so grateful again for everyone who takes the time to read this blog!!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!!!