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Sunday Motivation is back!

19 Aug

Okay so a little while ago I was doing Sunday Motivations, things that will keep you going for the week ahead! This weeks theme is keeping it all together when there is too much to do and not enough time in the day!

This one is my favorite and will be a big one for me to pull off this week!

With my crazy work schedule between TSI and Scentsy I will have no days off! I have Saturday and Sunday off from TSI, but will be trying to work a fair for Scentsy. Work while I can and am young and want to, but still have the half marathon going on. So I still need to kick it into gear for my training! The plan is to sleep in until it is time to get ready, and then bring running clothes to work, run after work (New Scenery is always best), and then head home and relax. That way I have no way to go home from work and get too tired to do anything or sit on the couch!

I love this one as well, if you read the blog you know I am not setting the world on fire with my times, but I try hard and compete with myself not others and that is the lesson!

Finally there is this!

With such a hectic week I am so glad to be going in with a game plan!

The saving grace of it all is I am rewarding myself! I don’t have to work until 11:30 am on Tuesday so I am going to get a pedicure after my training with Jeff, but before my shift. My feet are getting seriously busted and with all the stress lately I could use an hour of pampering for myself….I also need my eyebrows done they are out of control!


What are you doing to motivate yourself this week? 

I am using these motivationals not just for working out but also making it through tiring times!

What do you do to pamper yourself?

ALSO I HIT 10,000 views while we were in Vegas! I will be announcing my first giveaway Friday! In order to win step one is to follow the blog through wordpress! You have a head start 🙂

Worst Blogger in the World Status!

19 Aug

Thanks for continuing to read my blog, even though I have not been posting at least once a day, (which is my goal!). I know you all go through withdrawals not hearing about Finny or Running 1000 miles! BUT I have been an extremely bust woman lately and it is only going to get busier now!

Life is tough when you work two jobs and are training for your first and second half marathons back to back. Throw in now the fact that my last day off was August 13th and my next day off is August 25th! However these are the perils you face when you own your own Scentsy business and are in line to own a Harley-Davidson Dealership!

The parental units and our general manager are in Milwaukee for the HD Convention so that means, doggie watching and store watching! Everyone better watch out because Harry (my brother) and I are in charge for the week and are tough customers :). Just kidding, I mean we are in charge but no one really messes with us anyway! Except Dan he is easily the worst employee we have ;).

Anywho now that my work day today is over I figured I would get in a quick blog then run before meeting one of my high school bffs for dinner!

So what have I been up to….well only Scentsy Parties and learning how to run an office without Mom and of course running (solo or with Krystle) and training with my main man Jeff!

I have also decided to start a new post section of the blog called snack of the day….in which I bring you the most delicious snack to me. (Well for that day because I just ate it and it was good…and therefore the best snack EVER!)

So here are some recent best snacks to tell you about…

These are the best snack for when you are craving candy and dont want to eat 200-300 calories! At only 120 calories and tasting like a Rice crispy treat mixed with caramel and covered in chocolate it is a great choice.

I actually really dislike PB and Chocolate combos (i know thats like a sin to most people), but these were SO good and they were kid sized bars so I could eat two and not feel like a Piggy about it!

Finally this is NOT a snack but was so delicious and I wish we had one of these restaurants close to us!

That is a turkey sandwich on a bagel that was dipped in pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese and then toasted! SO DELICIOUS!!!!!

So that is it, off for a run then dinner with Miss Katie….


What did you do today?

Dan and I went on a Motorcycle Ride from work that benefitted special olympics it was a great cause and is a really large ride as all of New England and Pennsylvania and New York take part! There are 11 states and 26 locations the ride starts from so we are excited to take part in this!